Finding Purpose

“ Once I discovered the joy of supporting fellow solopreneurs as they pursued their dreams, I knew I had found my purpose ”

Megan Rose, Branding Specialist & Graphic Designer

When I finally took the plunge and left my 9-5 job, I knew something else was out there for me. I embarked on a journey to find my purpose and reflected inward to find answers.

If you build it, they will come

Once I discovered the joy of supporting fellow solopreneurs as they pursued their dreams, I knew I had found my purpose. Leveraging my coaching background and graphic design skills, I crafted The Branding Package to empower and guide my clients through the branding process of launching their small business ventures.

Establishing a foundation

I started to develop my style and portfolio, taking on clients looking to build their brand and offerings. This included exploring different areas of graphic design until I found where I thrived: branding and logo design, illustration, social media promotion, packaging and product design.

Marrying passion and skills

In my pursuit, I discovered that the answers lay within me. I just needed to uncover them. I considered my passion for innovation and creativity, the leadership skills I had learned as a school director and registrar and my ability to thrive independently.

Do what you love

Figuring out what gets me up in the morning, fills my cup and truly excites me was vital in creating a foundation for my next steps. Ultimately, I knew I was ready to do what I love, but it takes time to align a dream with one’s goals.

Moving forward

As I embark on my sixth year as a solopreneur, my path is clear. After discovering my purpose, connecting with my niche and finding balance in my daily life, all the pieces started to come together. I’m grateful to be able to continue to embrace the journey of doing what I love and look forward to what the future holds.

Finding my purpose led me to establish my niche. Please tune in next week as I dive deeper into what a niche is and why it’s essential to identify when developing your brand and connecting with your community.


Discovering a Niche


The Balanced Solopreneur